Have you ever heard this phrase before?

“People quit managers, not companies.”

It may sound cliche, but it might be the truth.

A recent Gallup report found that half of the professional workers said they had left a job because of their boss.

Toxic bosses can create toxic work environments that make it difficult for workers to succeed.

So what are the signs that you work for a toxic boss?

They Micromanage

Is this a regular occurrence in your office?

  1. Your boss assigns you a project. He spends thirty minutes describing certain details.
  2. When you finally get to start on the project, he regularly checks in on you and asks to see every tiny detail.
  3. Any progress you make is interrupted by questions and comments along the way.
  4. Countless hours are wasted because your boss needs to know what’s happening at all time.

If you have found yourself in that situation before, your boss is most likely a micromanager.

A toxic boss doesn’t trust that you can get your work done, so they are continually micromanaging you and your work.

They Have Poor Communications Skills

Are you struggling to understand what your boss wants?

Do you find yourself second-guessing what you’re supposed to be doing on a project?

Do you have trouble getting your boss to listen to your ideas?

Toxic bosses often have poor communications skills.

They lack the ability to communicate what they want from their employees.

They also have poor listening skills and don’t value or listen to what the employees have to say.

If you find yourself struggling to get direction from your boss or can’t seem to get your ideas to be heard, you may be working for a toxic boss.

They Are Incapable of Giving or Receiving Constructive Feedback

Feedback is important for career growth.

Employees need to know what they are doing well and what they can improve on to be more successful.

Likewise, employees also need to be able to let management know what is working and what needs to be worked on.

If you are working for a toxic boss, you may find that your boss isn’t able to handle constructive feedback in any way.

Toxic bosses often offer feedback that is unclear or unhelpful or none at all.

In turn, they also resist hearing your constructive criticism and may even punish employees who express these ideas.

They Play Favorites

Unfortunately, cliques and favorites didn’t get left back in high school.

They are still alive and well in toxic work environments.

Finding out your boss plays favorites can drastically affect your work.

If one or two co-workers are constantly getting special treatment from your boss, it can build resentment and kill morale.

The workplace starts to feel unfair and uneven.

Toxic bosses may offer their favorites better clients, more resources, or even access to better positions.

Not being one of the favorites can put you at a disadvantage and make it hard for you to grow with the company.

They Behave Inappropriately or Unethically

Has your boss made inappropriate jokes towards you or your coworkers?

Are they constantly engaging in conversations that seem unethical or inappropriate in the workplace?

If you work for a toxic boss, you may find yourself at the receiving end of inappropriate jokes, questions, or gestures.

A toxic boss who makes inappropriate comments towards or about his employees can create a hostile work environment that makes it hard to thrive in.

They may also contribute to gender bias and discrimination in the workplace.