If you are working in a very large company with many departments, often in the same building, chances are you will find out about opportunities to transfer. Transferring to a new department comes with some challenges, especially if your boss is one of your biggest fans and would hate to see you leave.

Even worse, what if your boss knows, competes with, and does not like your new potential boss? Now, you were thrown into the middle of something you did not expect. If that is the case (or not), there are ways you can tell your boss you want to transfer.

Ask Your Potential Boss to Speak With You After Work

Your current boss should not be asked to share your time with a boss from another department. Meetings are tough to schedule and using company time to plan your next career move will come across as insulting. It will probably hurt your chances of growing within the company, too.

Take the time to set up a meeting after work to discuss the transfer. The environment will feel less rushed and more laid back. This way neither of you has to deal with questions about why you were in another department for a meeting and who you spoke with.

You can also find out just how serious an opportunity this transfer will be. Find out if it is a lateral move or a step up in your career.

Be Honest With Your Concerns About Transferring

This is an unassuming way of letting your potential boss you are worth more salary. Talk with your potential boss about the challenges of transferring departments. Get all the information about the new job and explain how your current skills will be of value.

Let the boss know that you are an important member of your group. Bring up the name of your boss and talk about what you are working on. Explain your value to your boss. If necessary, explain who the boss is and how he/she will possibly react to the news.

Above all, let the potential boss know you are interested. Explain that your information is offered to avoid any unnecessary conflict in the company. Career growth, company growth, and business relationships are all important to you.

Get Your Story Down and Let the Boss Know

It is time. You have to let the boss know you are interested in transferring to another team. The last thing you want to do is cause problems for anyone.

When letting the boss know it is important to reassure him/her that it has nothing to do with your opinions of the boss. Tell the boss why this is a new challenge you feel will help with your career growth. Reassure your boss that this decision was not easy and you will work very hard until your very last day in the department. Let the boss know this is because your relationship with your boss is important.

Depending on what you find out about your boss’ relationship with the new boss, offer up information on where you will be transferring to. If you know your new and old bosses do not get along, try to avoid revealing that information.

Important Final Note

Obviously, make sure you have a job to go to before you tell anyone you are thinking of transferring. Also, make sure you will be hired for it.

The worst thing that can happen is finding out you have no job to transfer to, and now your current boss believes you want to leave the team. It will affect your ability to grow in that team and may sour your business relationship with your boss.

If you need a resume for the transition, we can help! If you need someone to find more job opportunities for you, we’ve got you covered too!

Good luck to you!