Many people never take the time to update their LinkedIn headline.

As a result, their LinkedIn headline sucks.

Wait a minute, I can change my LinkedIn headline?

Yes, you can.

In fact, having a catchy LinkedIn headline is the very first step to help your profile stand out from the crowd.

  • The bad news is that your LinkedIn headline might currently lack pizzazz.
  • The good news is that your LinkedIn headline is easy to fix.
  • The great news is that changing this one part of your LinkedIn profile can help you find the job you’re looking for.

What Is on Your LinkedIn Headline?

If you haven’t already noticed, your headline will default to your current job title and company.

For example, if you are currently a writer and editor at Find My Profession, your headline will automatically read as follows:

Writer and Editor at Best Executive Resume Service
– Find My Profession

No surprise there, right?

It will look something like this:

If you are going for boring, then make sure to keep your default headline.

The good news is, you can change this in under a minute!

What should your LinkedIn headline be?

If you want to get noticed and create a LinkedIn headline that doesn’t suck, add something compelling and interesting to start attracting recruiters!

Be specific but not boring:

  • Tell people exactly what you do.
  • Intrigue the reader to want to learn more.
  • Add your specialty or industry focus.

Add some personality:

  • Don’t be afraid to spice up your details.
  • Make sure not to go overboard.
  • Never add unprofessional information such as “#1 Wine Guzzler.”

LinkedIn Headline Examples

Bad Example

Sales manager at Jewelry4You

Why is this not a great LinkedIn headline?

  • It lacks specifics.
  • The company name, Jewelry4You, simply doesn’t look professional.
  • Its unoriginality doesn’t invite interest for a second look.

Decent Example

Sales pro specializing in wedding jewelry and cosmetics

Why is this a little better than the previous example?

  • “Sales pro” is more impressive than “sales manager.”
  • It adds the individual’s specialty: wedding jewelry and cosmetics.

Good Example

“Sales pro specializing in wedding jewelry and cosmetics. Classically trained pianist.”

Why does this LinkedIn headline jump a notch compared to the previous two?

  • Those three simple words just added a lot of personality.
  • You get the idea that this is a real person with a unique skill.

Tips on How to Write a Great LinkedIn Headline

1. Focus on Outlining the Value You Offer

Avoid sticking to the same ol’ method of listing where you work.

Bad Example

Financial consultant at SaveUrMoney

Instead, mention a specific way this provides value to a potential recruiter.

Good Example

Certified financial consultant – successful guide in investment planning for 20+ years

If a hiring manager is in search of a financial advisor whose expertise is investment planning, they’ll likely take a second glance at your profile.

2. Add Specifics Targeted to a Particular Audience

You’ve likely heard the phrase “target audience” in relation to advertising campaigns for books, films, etc.

However, thinking of a target audience is also one of the most important LinkedIn headline ideas.

Think about who you wish you could target.

Who are you hoping will take a second look at your profile?

Gear your wording toward your target audience.

Bad Example

Assistant Dean for student affairs at Normal College

Good Example

Student affairs professional | 15+ years’ experience | Student advising | Advocacy for historically underrepresented

In the second example, the focus is on the value this professional provides.

It also adds another aspect.

It targets anyone hoping to find a professional in student affairs who focuses on underrepresented or marginalized students.

LinkedIn Headline Ideas

As mentioned above, it’s not difficult to edit your LinkedIn headline and make it more effective in your job search.

First of all, once you click on your profile, just hit the “edit” button:

You’ll see a new window pop up, which has sections that include your profile picture, your name, your headline, and your work information.

The section we’re focusing on here looks something like this:

As mentioned, your current work position will be your LinkedIn default.

You might simply add a little more detail in regards to your work history.

Or you may want to add something a little more personal:

This headline might be a work in progress, but it definitely offers more details than the previous one.

It also adds a bit of personality.

The LinkedIn headline also focuses on important aspects of the individual.

Go back to your profile page, and it will look something like this:

Decent, but not great, right?

This description has personality but fails in the area of adding value to a potential recruiter.

Let’s try again.

The above description has an added quality of the value offered.

When you take the time to improve your LinkedIn headline, your profile will not only look complete, but you will also provide a clear picture of your experience and skills.

Improving your headline by following these LinkedIn headline ideas will help you come across as a true professional:

Keep in mind, as you compose a great LinkedIn headline, that you have 120 characters to work with.

This 120-character limit includes spaces.

In other words, you don’t have a whole lot of space.

But don’t fret.

With a little creativity and imagination, you can’t create an impressive, professional LinkedIn headline.

Closing Thoughts

If you’ve followed the above examples, step by step, you now have a LinkedIn headline that doesn’t suck!

What is more, those who view your headline will likely check out your profile.

Hopefully, they’ll connect further with you.

This includes potential employers and hiring managers.

For more information on making a great LinkedIn profile, take a look at the 19 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips For Job Seekers.

And if you are looking for a job, let us help you!

We offer professional resume writing and Reverse Recruiting services.

We’ll enhance your opportunities to land your dream job.